en:Cars:CUPRA Range:The CUPRA Ateca:Experience cupra-ateca-kh76 MT/EN

CUPRA Ateca Experience

CUPRA Experience

More than a car brand.

Driving a CUPRA is an experience, and so is owning one. You can purchase and repair yours across our global network dealers, as well as receive extra special treatment and services at CUPRA Specialists.


A new approach to car services.

One single package at one single price offering you everything you need to smoothly enjoy your CUPRA experience. From warranty extension to a bespoke insurance policy, all services are accessible at all our dealers.

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CUPRA Specialists

Redefining customer service.

We’ve strategically designated some of our dealers as CUPRA Specialists. It is where you can meet the CUPRA experts trained to offer you superior assistance and discover the CUPRA Corner, a space that brings out the essence of CUPRA.

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CUPRA community

You are one of us.

Join our community of individuals brought together by the same passions in life. Expect exclusive experiences like test drives, lifestyle events, track days and much more.